

Services detail

Warehoue Services

When you need comprehensive trouble-free Warehoue and distribution services, ZT offers facilities from coast-to-coast. Dedicated professionals manage storage, freight conso lidation anddeconsolidation, and complete order-processing services to meet your specific needs based on your products and your customer markets. Key facilities offer our sophisticated Warehouse Management System.

For your customers, price and product continue to play tremendous roles in their purchasing decisions, but getting products into the hands of their customers on time (or ahead of their competitors) is increasingly becoming their focus for achieving the slightest competitive advantage. Your customers' expectations for the prompt receipt of merchandise are at an all time high. If merchandise arrives late or the wrong shipment is delivered, you may have to pay a penalty or even lose them as a customer.

ZT provides options for viable distribution services that enable you to efficiently service your customers by reducing supply chain cycle time and costs associated with distribution. With our extensive resources and flexible services, we also have the capacity to meet your needs as your business grows and evolves.

Tel:(+86 755 )8229 0788

Fax:(+86 755)8220 5088

